What I Wish for You in 2020
Work Hard
“I’m a great believer in luck, and I find the harder I work the more I have of it.”
― Thomas Jefferson
Do Good
“What is a fear of living? It is not doing what you came here to do, out of timidity and spinelessness. The antidote is to take full responsibility for yourself –
for the time you take up and the space you occupy.
If you don’t know what you’re here to do, then just do some good.”
― Maya Angelou
Savor the Moments
“Savor the moments in life that make your heart glow.
Chase after and find the moments that will take your breath away.
In the end, it is only those milestones on life’s journey that matter.”
― Michael Delaware
Work Hard. Do Good. Savor the Moments.
Happy holidays 2019 to you, your family and your community.
May your celebrations be joyous.
Wishing you peace and harmony in the new year.