Philanthropy is a deeply personal endeavor, a private expression in a public space. When contemplating how to be philanthropic, we wrestle with our priorities that are derived from our personal values and beliefs. We must make fundamental decisions about those priorities as we all have limited resources of time, talent, treasure and ties.

First, we must go inside to discover what’s important to us. Philanthropy comes alive when we align our values, passions, and interests. I’ve been thinking about my own story and I share some of that journey in a podcast with Loraine Ballard Morrill here.

What I’m Hearing

I particularly enjoyed this week’s episode of Maria Shriver’s new Meaningful Conversations podcast with Jon and Dorothea Bon Jovi. Together, they express their philanthropy by clearly identifying what matters to them and taking action.

Listen here to learn more about their work on changing lives one soul at a time.

What I’m Contemplating

Money is an expression of energy and we use it to support our life. When money is earned, spent, saved and given consciously, it reflects what we value most. It becomes an intuitive gauge for who we are, what we stand for and where we are headed. Dissolve all of your negative beliefs related to money. See it as a loving tool and use it to bring good to the world.

How will you use your money and other non-monetary assets
to bring about the positive change that you seek in the world?

Interested in exploring your personal philanthropy?

Philanthropy begins with love.

“The place God calls you to is the place
where your deep gladness and the world’s deep hunger meet”.
Frederick Buechner, 1926

Do you want to explore the best version of yourself and help create the kind of community and world that aligns with your values?

I coach individuals and families on their philanthropic and community engagement strategy. Click here to learn more and start our conversation.


Amy Tress Holdsman
President and CEO
Essential Leadership